A downloadable mod

As the church of Claw and Fang, you worship a god of hunting and being hunted. Each time you sacrifice warriors at your cathedral you score points. The more you sacrifice in one turn  the more points you score.

To build your cathedral you will need followers - cards placed on your faction board - matching the clearing that you want to hallow. You can add cards from your hand to your followers by baptizing them, or other factions must give you one when they battle you in a clearing with a sermon token.

You start with your Priest warrior who will spread the good word of your god by spending followers to place sermon tokens, letting you recruit more warriors or craft cards from your hand.

Each turn you will have one suit marked as the faithless by rolling the faithless die. You will gain extra points if you go out on a holy war to spread the good word to those ignorant heathens in faithless clearings. Your god has lessons for you to learn in the form of scriptures, with a different scripture each turn that grants certain abilities. Sadly your god forbids the scripture matching the faithless suit to be taught those turns.


Church Front.pdf 643 kB
Church backside.pdf 415 kB
church daylight board + tokens and building.pdf 605 kB
church scriptures.pdf 419 kB
Law of the Claw.docx 14 kB
Church hireling.pdf 316 kB


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Btw, you start with 3 random followers, and place the priest and 2 warriors in any clearing